We are excited to announce the unveiling of the new Cordova Community Pool! On June 28, 2021, several dignitaries joined the District for the ribbon cutting of the new aquatic center.

“The District is proud and excited to bring to our community this new aquatic center. The Cordova Community Pool will be a place for kids and families to make new memories at Hagan Community Park,” said General Manager Patrick Larkin. “Our staff will be offering numerous aquatic programs for all ages and swimming abilities with water safety and fun as our focus. We thank the community for their patience and support in bringing this important community facility new life.”
Since its construction in the late 1960’s, the Cordova Community Pool was a source of pride in the Cordova Recreation & Park District community. It hosted countless Cordova Blue Marlin’s and Cordova Lancers Swim Meets. The Cordova Community Pool was home for important trainings with the Red Cross. In the 1970’s, the facility hosted the California State Fair Swim Meet which was one of the largest meets of its type in the western United States. In 1974, Cordova Community Pool hosted the California State Police Olympiad. For decades, it has been home to the Cordova Cordettes Synchronized Swim Team and their amazing aqua shows. The Cordova Community Pool has been a source of fun and inspiration for the community for almost 53 years.
During public outreach for this Cordova Community Pool Replacement Project, community members shared how important this place was during their childhoods and how they looked forward to bringing their children or grandchildren to the pool again one day. The facility has been restored in a more sustainable way to ensure that generations of families can come back to Cordova Community Pool for many years to come.

“It was definitely a project form the heart”, said Chair of the Board Rick Sloan. “The passion that was poured into this facility will keep these two pools full and flourishing for the community members to enjoy for another 50 years.”
A project like this takes an incredible team and years of planning, public outreach, programming, design, budgeting and construction. This team consisted of District staff, Salaber and Associates, Inc., SW Allen Construction, Inc., LPA, Inc. and Aquatic Design Group. The project was supported in part by the Measure H Community Enhancement Fund from the City of Rancho Cordova. We appreciate the support and partnership with the City, and we look forward to more community projects in the future.
There are countless others who contributed to this project from parks and recreation staff to material suppliers to the plan reviewers, but now that the project is complete, this place belongs to the community. We invite the community to relax, stay cool, enjoy these beautiful pools this summer and start making family memories.