The Cordova Recreation & Park District (District) is honored to be the recipient of the California Association of Park and Recreation Commissioners and Board Members (CAPRCBM) Outstanding Project Award for the Cordova Community Pool. The District was presented with the award on March 10, 2022.
The new complex brings back an integral piece of community recreation and exercise. With two distinct pools, residents will find something for everyone: whether it is lap swimming, swim and safety classes, aquatic fitness, swim clubs or just cooling off during the hot Rancho Cordova summers. Swimming is one of the best exercises because it engages the whole body. Water-based exercise reduces impact on joints and provides steady resistance, making it ideal for people with joint-related issues. Having access to water-play is great for mental health as well. It improves mood in adults and the play feature is great for brain and motor skill development in small children. The Cordova Community Pool expands the aquatic capabilities in the community and is the only public pool in Rancho Cordova that accommodates swim teams and lap swimming.
As a part of improving the health and wellbeing of the community, the District created inclusive guidelines and signage. Swim Attire Guidelines encourage patrons to wear attire designed for water activities including, but not limited to, swimsuits, athletic shorts and dry-fit clothing. For safety reasons, the guidelines advise that patrons should not wear clothing that is excessively heavy or made of absorbent material. Additionally, the locker rooms at the Cordova Community Pool have signs that promote an inclusive environment. At the entrance and throughout each locker room, signs are displayed which feature the text “CRPD supports a person’s right to use the locker facility consistent with their gender identity”. In developing and implementing these guidelines and signs, the District has created and will continue to foster a positive culture where community members can feel welcome and enjoy activities at the Cordova Community Pool.
The District looks forward to being able to offer additional programs, including adaptive programs, for community members to enjoy.