We are excited to once again celebrate National Arbor Day! The first Arbor Day took place in Nebraska in 1872 with an estimate of more than one million trees planted. By 1920, more than 45 states celebrated Arbor Day and tree planting became tradition across the nation. This year, we partnered with the Sacramento Tree Foundation and SMUD to plant four trees at Prospect Hill Park in recognition of the vital role trees play in improving the livability and sustainably of our community, neighborhoods, parks and open spaces.
We strive to improve the variety of tree species throughout our parks. Three different tree species were chosen for Prospect Hill Park: Tupelo, Northern Red Oak and Gingko ‘Autumn Gold’. Tupelos are adaptive to varying soil climates such as droughts and flooding. During the spring and summer, these trees are a vibrant green and transform to a beautiful scarlet red in autumn. Northern Red Oaks provide abundant shade and acorns from this tree are a food preference for local wildlife including blue jays and wild turkeys. Gingko ‘Autumn Gold’s have unique fan-shaped leaves and turn a stunning deep yellow during autumn. Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil and supporting wildlife.
We are proud to collaborate with the Sacramento Tree Foundation and SMUD to benefit the community through healthy, vibrant trees!