Members of the Rosemont Community Foundation pose alongside Cordova Recreation and Park District Directors and staff after accepting their award of recognition at the Cordova Recreation and Park District’s regular board meeting on June 19. Photo courtesy of Cordova Recreation and Park District
RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) – During the Cordova Recreation and Park District’s board meeting on June 19, the Rosemont Community Foundation was presented with an award of recognition from the California Association of Recreation and Park Districts for the Rosemont Community Poles Project.
The Rosemont Community Foundation was honored with the Outstanding Community Organization/Partner Award by the California Association of Recreation and Park Districts at their conference in May, where they were recognized for their outstanding commitment to fostering community through a community beautification project. Kathy Gee, community advocate and board director, accepted the award on behalf of the Rosemont Community Foundation.
Cordova Recreation and Park District board members, staff and Kathy Gee celebrate the installation of the Rosemont Community Poles Project. Photo courtesy of Cordova Recreation and Park District
The Rosemont Community Poles Project was an effort by the community to improve the Rosemont community through the addition of art that reflected their community’s values. Gee brought the idea to Cordova Recreation and Park District, suggesting that four poles, decorated by community organizations to capture the spirit of the Rosemont Community, be installed in the newly-refurbished butterfly garden in the Cordova Recreation and Park District’s Rosemont Community Park.
Once Gee received a grant from SMUD for the project, the Rosemont Community Foundation worked in collaboration with Cordova Recreation and Park District to install the project. You can now see community poles from Cordova Recreation and Park District, Girl Scout Troop 1363, Golden Pond Senior Living and Atonement Lutheran Church in Rosemont Community Park. Each pole is distinctive, painted with symbols, pictures and words that reflect the values of the Rosemont community and its residents.
As the project’s dedication ceremony was fast approaching, the project experienced a major setback. The hand-painted poles had been nearly covered in black spray paint, appearing to ruin the hours of hard work the community had put into the project. In an act of resilience, Cordova Recreation and Park District staff acted quickly, using specialized graffiti removal supplies to nearly return the artwork to its original condition. Their efforts allowed the Rosemont Community Foundation to proceed with the project’s dedication ceremony as planned.
Since the project’s initial installation, the community is set to add more poles, with several similar projects in the works throughout the community. This award celebrates the spirit that inspired this project and its positive influence on the community.
Readers can catch up on Cordova Recreation and Park District’s newest projects and developments at www.cordovarpd.gov.