Park Services oversees the safety and accessibility of CRPD’s parks, amenities, equipment and systems. The department ensures that everything from landscaping to picnic areas, irrigation systems to playground equipment remains quality for our community. Contact the Park Services Department to report a question or concern in our parks.
Schedules of Interest:

A different shade of green: In order to conserve water and be mindful of our water usage, resources, and California’s water shortage, we have to allow some of our grass to go dormant this summer. Although the grass may lose color, we aim to maintain the health of our lawns and trees by providing enough water to preserve their existing root systems. As the summer heats up, we will monitor the weather and increase watering when we are able.
With budget limitations, recent droughts, and the rising costs associated with providing clean water, park and recreation agencies must rethink their approach. At the Cordova Recreation and Park District, we take water conservancy seriously. Our staff is always looking for ways to implement water conservation technology, drought tolerant plants, and resource-conscious designs.