We’re celebrating #NationalGuitarDay by introducing our new contract music instructor Adam Block, founder and owner of the Block Academy of Music.

About Our Partnership
For years CRPD has offered a plethora of sports, fitness, arts and enrichment programs for all ages. However, the community consistently asked for more music classes. One parent wrote in to the District asking for affordable opportunities for her child to learn an instrument. After reaching out to the successful and local professional, Adam Block, the District delivered, signing a contract to help the Block Academy of Music host guitar lessons.
About Adam

Adam began playing at the age of 13 and was self-taught through most of his youth. Having learned to love music without proper instruction and being of a practical mind, Adam pursued studying history at University of California, Davis, for his higher education. Post-graduation, upon realizing his heart was still with music, Adam decided to follow his passion and went on to earn a second degree in music from Berklee College of Music. After spending years performing on tour as a band leader, while simultaneously teaching and serving as a session musician, Adam determined that teaching was where his time/talent was best served. Thus, the Block Academy of Music was established in October of 2018.
With over 25 years of experience, Adam feels like he was born to teach. “How much a teacher can make a difference in the lives of students is a thought that motivates me constantly,” Adam said.
“Like music, teaching is an art. It’s the art of communication; a successful music teacher can communicate techniques and concepts to new students in a way that is clear, concise, accessible and easy to understand. When I began teaching, I realized this came so naturally to me. Plus, building relationships with your students and thriving with them, in their growth, is truly fulfilling,” Adam said.
Why Music?
District staff went to visit Adam’s studio and meet some of his students. Dominic Sanson, 13, has been one of Adam’s students for six months. Dominic’s mother, Tina loves what music brings to her son’s life. “He can unplug and have an outlet to express himself,” Tina said.
“It keeps him in the present and away from the digital world. At one point, Dominic was saving up for a PlayStation, but once he got invested in his lessons, he saved up to buy his own guitar,” Tina said.
Adam’s philosophy focuses on music’s benefits like these. He works to teach students more than the instrument, the chords and the songs. Adam wants his students to feel music connect their mind and body and witness how sound affects your emotional state. He believes individuals do not need to be masterful in playing music in order to enjoy the benefits. Learn, listen, sing or play!
How You Can Get Involved
Interested in trying guitar but not ready to commit? Adam offers a free introductory lesson for those contemplating private lessons.
Beginning Guitar is offered at the Block Academy of Music studio on Mondays and/or Wednesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. for ages 13-17 or from 7 to 8 p.m. for participants 18+. The classes are ideally suited for those interested in learning a new instrument or renewing a former passion. Classes are now open for online registration. For more information, visit crpd.com/programs.
Located off Sunrise and Coloma in Gold River, the Block Academy of Music studio has ample space for families to listen in on their loved ones’ lessons. Does your aspiring guitarist need privacy while learning? The studio is near fitness centers and plenty of restaurants to keep families occupied.