CRPD issues bids and requests for proposals for services, consulting, parks, buildings, equipment and other products. Vendor applications are received on an ongoing basis. Current open projects with individual bid requirements are listed below. Click below for project information or contact the district office for more information about the RFP/RFQ process.
See below for active RFPs/RFQs
Recreation Guide Graphic Design, Print & Mail Services
Cordova Recreation & Park District is requesting proposals from experienced print firms to provide graphic design, printing and mailing services for CRPD’s bi-annual Recreation Guide publication for two years (four publications). The specifications and criteria can be found here:
RFP Recreation Guide Graphic Design, Print & Mail Services
Proposals must be received at the District Office no later than: Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 4 p.m. and directed to:
Cordova Recreation & Park District
Attn: Shelby Golden, Communications Manager
11070 White Rock Road, Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-842-3318 |
Questions regarding the RFP:
"Would you be able to share with us the incumbent?"
Our contract with Print Project Managers has recently been completed which triggered our RFP process.
“Can you please forward the pricing for the most recent contract.”
The most recent contract included four (4) recreation guides over two years with the following contract price(s):
- Total payment for design/printing/publication shall not exceed $35,403 per guide unless authorized in writing by the District.
- Total payment for each guide's postage shall not exceed $10,000 unless authorized in writing by the District.
“Does the design/print/publication include the cost of mail processing as well? Is the guide mailed under a simplified address format or does each guide have a unique address?”
Yes, it should include the cost of mail processing. CRPD will provide a mailing database that includes all residential addresses within our District boundaries.
Feasibility Study for The Center Property
The Cordova Recreation & Park District (CRPD) is requesting qualifications and proposals from consulting firms to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study for constructing park facilities at The Center Property while mitigating environmental concerns of the site. The specifications and criteria can be found here:
RFQ/RFP Feasibility Study for The Center Property
Closing Date for Written Questions due by: Friday, December 13, 2024, at 8 a.m. and directed to:
Cordova Recreation & Park District
Attn: Rick Smith, Senior Management Analyst
11070 White Rock Road, Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-842-3323 |
Professional Services Proposals must be received at the District’s Headquarters no later than: Friday, January 24, 2025, at 4 p.m. and directed to:
Cordova Recreation & Park District
Attn: Rick Smith, Senior Management Analyst
11070 White Rock Road, Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-842-3323 |
Additional Information regarding the Feasibility Study for the Center Property:
We have added a document regarding the Center Property. An updated Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) will be needed for proposed uses of the property. The latest ALUCP may be found here:
Feasibility Study for the Mather Sports Center
The Cordova Recreation & Park District (CRPD) is requesting qualifications and proposals from consulting firms to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study for rehabilitation or replacement of the Mather Sports Center. The specifications and criteria can be found here:
RFQ/RFP Feasibility Study for the Mather Sports Complex
Closing Date for Written Questions due by: Friday, December 13, 2024, at 8 a.m. and directed to:
Cordova Recreation & Park District
Attn: Rick Smith, Senior Management Analyst
11070 White Rock Road, Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-842-3323 |
Professional Services Proposals must be received at the District’s Headquarters no later than: Friday, January 24, 2025, at 4 p.m. and directed to:
Cordova Recreation & Park District
Attn: Rick Smith, Senior Management Analyst
11070 White Rock Road, Suite 130
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-842-3323 |
Questions regarding the RFP:
"We are planning to respond to the RFQ / RFP that you have out for the Mather Sports Center, and I am reaching out to see if you would have any existing building drawings that we could use / review as a part of our overall review and response to the RFQ / RFP? I didn’t see these as listed in the “available documents” list and wanted to ask if they might be available."
Please see below for links to documents regarding the Mather Building:
“What is the budget or not to exceed award amount for the services?”
The budget for the Mather Feasibility study for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is $100,000
“Is it acceptable to include relevant additional information in our proposal, beyond what is specified in the proposal requirements?”
Any relevant additional information provided in proposals is acceptable.
“Given that the evaluation criteria are listed in no particular order or weight, could the District clarify how proposers will be ranked? Will there be a structured scoring system, or will the selection be based on an overall qualitative assessment?”
The ranking of the proposals will be based on a structured scoring system. The firms selected to be interviewed will be based on the structured scoring system. Ranking of the interviewed firms will be a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment.
“Is there an established budget for the feasibility study, or should consultants propose a recommended fee based on their scope understanding?”
Another question was asked if there was a budget or not to not to exceed award amount, that answer was ‘The budget for the Mather Feasibility study for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is $100,000’. With that said, consultants should propose a fee based on the scope of the project as specified in the RFP.
“Will a list of interested consultants be available?”
We will notice the consultant of proposed award, pending Board approval. Any bids or proposals received become a matter of public record and can be requested via a public records request.
“Is there any historical or cultural significance associated with the Mather Sports Center or the surrounding area?”
We are unaware of any historical or cultural significance associated with the Mather Sports Center. The Mather Sports Center was a recreational center for the Mather Air Force Base until the property was deeded to the District.